The proposed Master in PPE represents the first international didactic offer of this kind in Southern Italy. Born at Oxford in the ’20s of 1900 as ‘Modern Greats’ from the conviction that the study of the great modern works of philosophical, political and social thought can have a transformative effect on the intellectual life of students and, so, of society as a whole. It will be characterized in Bari by the use of the only English language.Taken in terms of interdisciplinarity and internationalization, this renewed didactic offer can enlarge the possibilities on the job market of the graduates in philosophy, as well as those in political science and international relations, thanks to a larger whole of competences achievable through the PPE, especially in the direction of the Mediterranean context to which we aim.Our course is meant to emphasize the Mediterranean context in which it is geographically, located, with the ambition to work as a ‘bridge’ between Middle East and Africa, on the one hand, and Europe, on the other. The multidisciplinary connotation of this course is oriented to the analysis of the relationships among the cultures that face the Mediterranean sea and the problems of economic development and political relations that concern this context. The acquisition and application of knowledge, using only the English language, in the named areas will allow the students to master the main lines of a global society in which individuals, states, international organizations, ONG and enterprises are going through a process of reorganization ‘each in its own way’ to tackle important challenges and not miss new opportunities.

UniversitàUniversità  degli Studi di Bari Aldo Moro
Nome del corsoPhilosophy, politics and economics in med
TipologiaMaster di Primo Livello
Sede DidatticaBari

Università  degli Studi di Bari Aldo Moro

Master in Philosophy, politics and economics in med