Puglia University Region:
study and live in welcoming and supportive cities
The project “Puglia University Region: studying and living in welcoming and sustainable cities“Was born as part of a Memorandum of Understanding between the Department of Education of the Puglia Region, the Regional Agency for the Right to Education (A.Di.S.U. Puglia), the university cities of Puglia (Bari, Brindisi, Foggia, Lecce, Taranto), the Apulian universities (Polytechnic of Bari, University of Bari, University of Salento, University of Foggia, LUM University), students and other actors of the system, to build projects, policies and shared and participatory interventions, aimed at improving the relationship between the university system and the urban system.
The purpose of the project, scientifically coordinated by Urban @ it, the National Study Center for Urban Policies, is to guarantee a full right of citizenship, as an essential aspect of the Right to Education, for those who choose to study in Puglia.
The method
The research is divided into five themes assigned to each Apulian University, by means of a series of initiatives supported by the activation of research grants and scholarships at each University, internships at the A.Di.S.U. Puglia, and scholarships at university cities.
Theme 1 - Polytechnic of Bari
University facilities and the right to education, as an opportunity for urban regeneration
Theme 2 - University of Bari
The role of the university system in urban cultural policies and youth policies
Theme 3 - University of Salento
The Urban University Sustainability Agendas with particular reference to the theme of mobility and energy efficiency
Theme 4 - University of Foggia
Innovation of the offer of services for the Right to Education
Theme 5 - Free Mediterranean University "Giuseppe Degennaro" (LUM)
Disability and accessibility of university structures and urban spaces
The Time Schedule
Il progetto di durata biennale (prorogabile) si articola in TRE fasi della ricerca:
Phase 1 (months 1-12)
Analysis of the assigned topic, declined in each of the different contexts of the five university cities involved
Phase 2 (months 9-14)
Processing of the results obtained from the analysis and identification of the strengths and weaknesses that emerged from the same
Phase 3 (months 13-24)
Definition of proposals and strategies for a renewed relationship between the urban system and the university system